Teaching Artist and Facilitator.

Jacob is a sought after Teaching Artist and Facilitator and has the pleasure of working across dance broadly from very young to very old people. Jacob works in school (primary and secondary) and private studio contexts with young people and adult dancers from absolute beginner to advanced professional level. Jacob is also versed in facilitating dance with older people, igniting a passion for dance and movement in aged care contexts. Jacob teaches

  • Contemporary Dance Technique

  • Choreography

  • Partnering

  • Repertoire

  • Improvisation

  • Dance and Technology

  • Team Competition and Solo Choreography

What People Are Saying

“Your classes where an absolute highlight of my week! You radiate energy and the welcoming environment you foster filled my creative heart with so much inspiration and light. I have learned so much from you both as a dancer and a creative. Thank you for sharing your gift!”

— Carly Bettinson (Student)

Regarding partnering workshop in High School setting: “Their flow, organisation and teaching of the partnering was amazing… Jacob even worked personally with one of our girls who has significant anxiety around being lifted.  To see the look on her face when he supported her was just such a pleasure…. He made her feel like she too had purpose in the environment, so I am ever so grateful of his work with her.”

— Kate Fitzgerald, Dance Teacher, Moreton Bay College.

 I love that Jacob can seamlessly teach newcomers and regulars without leaving anyone behind”

— Jade Ellis (Student)

“He’s like no other dance teacher I have ever had. He’s just different. You’ll leave class beaming”

— Laura Kate (Student)

You have been an inspiration to the students and I know that they have thoroughly enjoyed your classes.  I would also like to thank you for always being so reliable and on time, this is a great attribute to have as a teacher and it has not gone unnoticed.  What a wonderful foundation you are building.  You are on the right path in becoming a prominent teacher of dance.”

— Jillian Southgate, Director, Dance Direction Queensland

“I absolutely love how you create such a warm and welcoming space! Your energy is infectious and your choreography is delicious” - Mia Dinardo

— Mia Dinardo (Student)